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IPFS News Link • Off Grid Living - Survival Prepping

Sending Your Child from a Fully Stocked/Prepared Home to College for the First Time, by Mom

Our daughter is in her second year of college, and I wanted to share our experience with preparing and sending off your first born into the college world.

We were fortunate that she was able to take her car with her during her first year. This not only provided an obvious way to get home but also a mini-storage facility for supplies. If your son or daughter is not permitted to park on campus, the college can typically direct you to parking spaces for rent around campus. I want to share what we did to ensure our daughter was prepared, in case she was ever stuck at school without electricity or needed to get home in a situation where her main route was blocked/not available.


Ideally, if we had it to do all over again we would ensure she had a truck/SUV 4-wheel drive vehicle that is more rugged than a Ford Fusion! That being said, it was bought and paid for and has proven to suit her needs well.