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IPFS News Link • Drug War

Washington State Readies for Legal Marijuana

• Next News Network
Washington state is getting ready for legal marijuana, becoming the second U.S. to legalize the substance for adults. Sales of cannabis started in 24 locations around the state yesterday. Colorado legalized marijuana on January 1st. Sales there were strong, bringing tens of millions of dollars in tax revenue into the state. Similar sales are expected in the Evergreen State, possibly leading to shortages of cannabis. In the short term, this could raise prices at the retail outlets, until producers are able to meet demand. In Colorado, prices for an ounce of marijuana were over $300 in the first few days of legalization. Now, that same amount of high-quality cannabis can be purchased for as little as $85. One unexpected result of legalized cannabis in Colorado has been the rise in popularity of food products made with marijuana. Medical marijuana patients tend to buy raw buds and hashish instead of products meant for eating. But, in Colorado, demand for foods containing cannabis

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