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IPFS News Link • Sexuality: Sex and the Law

World’s First Case Of Female Penis And Male Vagina Found!

 But the team led by Kazunori Yoshizawa, an entomologist at Hokkaido University in Japan and Rodrigo Ferreira has stumbled upon the first case in the world where the females are the aggressors with the penetrating organ and the males the choosy ones with a vagina!

While role reversals are not uncommon in the animal world, this is without a doubt a whole new high. Four new species of Brazilian cave-dwelling bugs belonging to the Neotrogla genus have sex-reversed genitalia that see the female species using a ‘fully functional’ penis to draw the sperm from the males.

Females in three of these four species have a penis that contains a spine, while the fourth one has a strong curved penis that matches the curved ale chamber.

The team also uncovered other startling facts regarding the mating habits of these insects. For starters the couples mated for well over 50 hours on an average and that is an exceptionally long time among any known animals.