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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

What Happened to Flight 370? An Analysis of What Is Known

•, By Charles Hugh Smith
Now we have the report I have been expecting, via ABC News: “U.S. officials have an ‘indication’ the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and is moving the USS Kidd to the area to begin searching.” I take this “indication” to mean data collected by U.S. space-based and terrestrial assets has finally been analyzed.
The U.S. is moving the search to the Indian Ocean while Malaysia is denying the engines continued sending data. Which set of officials do you reckon knows more? The U.S. would not be sending the USS Kidd to an area based on rumor or hearsay. I strongly suspect the U.S. has data which it cannot share publicly because the data would reveal the extent of U.S. capabilities.
The story gets curiouser and curiouser–but so far every piece of new data conforms to my basic analysis of the known facts.