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Want a real hoverboard? Doc Brown and Tony Hawk say it's coming

•, Michael Trei
To promote this idea, a company called HUVrTech has appeared seemingly out of nowhere, with a video showing several celebrities trying out the hoverboard for the first time. Okay, so it's clearly not real, but they did do a pretty decent job with the special effects. Christopher Lloyd pulls up in a disappointingly stock looking DeLorean, and hands the HUVr board to Tony Hawk who then goes for a ride. The board appears to be controlled by a smartphone app, and features a built-in stabilization system similar to a Segway. This means that even a novice like musician Moby has no problem flying around on the thing on the first try.
Just who is behind what appears to be a viral marketing campaign isn't clear, but a few clues are being discovered. Mashable says that the website Funny or Die is behind it all, while Andy Baio posted a Tweet saying that the "MIT researcher" seen in one of the videos is actually an actor called Nelson Cheng. Still, none of that explains exactly what the viral campaign is promoting.

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