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Cool Runnings II: Jamaican bobsleigh team qualifies for Winter Olympics

With a little bit of perseverance, Jamaica's Winston Watts qualified to pilot a bobsled at next month's Olympics as the driver of a two-man team. Without additional funding, however, the island's latest bobsleigh team might not actually appear in the Sochi Games.

Jamaica's official Olympics Twitter account posted a message in apparent homage to Cool Runnings, the movie about the original Jamaican bobsleigh team.

John Turteltaub's successful 1993 film starring John Candy was loosely based on the story of the team's qualification for the 1988 Winter Olympics. It went on to become a cult classic and also showcased the Jamaican singer Jimmy Cliff, whose version of 'I Can See Clearly' featured in the film. Now the achievements of Watts and his partner Marvin Dixon have the makings of Cool Runnings II: Run Cooler.
