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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

100 Years of Theft with Bill Still ~ Federal Reserve Come to Mind? (Video)

The Federal Reserve became a hot-topic issue among youth during the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns of Ron Paul. Young people flocked to the elderly statesman, as he rallied on about an organization nearly 100 years old. The Federal Reserve went from a organization about which most people knew little, to a front-topic issue. Many people protested in the streets, calling on the government to “abolish the Fed.” Some politicians have attempted to audit the Reserve, hoping to see how the mechanisms of the group work. They have so far, failed in their attempts to shed light on the institution. Many government officials, and some economists, say the Federal Reserve is needed to manage the economy. Without it, they predict devastating economic swings, and runaway inflation. Some critics question that assessment, saying the Reserve creates more problems than it solves. Bill Still is a writer and political activist. He has written extensively about the Federal Reserve. He is