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IPFS News Link • Media: Radio

TheRawFeedLive Presents - "Wars and Rumors of Wars" - Author Gwilda Wiyaka LIVE 11PM EDT 9

"Wars and Rumors of Wars" "How interesting - as we near the 12th anniversary of the day the Twin Towers went up (or I should say down) in smoke, supposedly imploded from the strike of hijacked airliners, the US government is painting yet another villain." "So what is really going on? Yet again, the old system is attempting to jerk the public around by its programming. The goal - polarizing us against others. Polarization is low frequency. This effectively keeps the masses subject to the reality the powers-that-be want to paint, using our personal power, agreement and tax dollars to maintain it." "Our solar system is now entering an age of unified existence. The polarized techniques employed by the old systems are no longer being supported. Should we chose, we can process beyond our programming and become co-creators of an entirely new way. Our brothers and sisters on earth and in the galaxy anxiously await our participation."