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Michael Hastings’ Wife Vows to “Take Down Whoever Did This”

• Prison Planet
 The wife of Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in what many people believe was a suspicious car crash last week, has vowed to “take down whoever did this,” according to the man who released an email in which Hastings told friends he was being harassed by the government.
Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs, who yesterday told Fox News that Hastings was working on “the biggest story yet” about the CIA before his untimely death, was responsible for releasing an email Hastings wrote 15 hours before his car crash in which the journalist stated he was “onto a big story” and needed “to go off the rada[r] for a bit.”

Biggs tweeted that the reason he released the email was because Hastings’ other friends and colleagues who received it were “too scared” to do so.