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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

Updated 2013 Bilderberg Annotated Members List

• Video Rebel's Blog

David Cameron was not on the original Bilderberg attendee list so I have included him. He was born to a wealthy family and is a fifth cousin to Queen Elizabeth II. Two of relatives had high level positions at HSBC and Standard Chartered, As a young man he worked for Jardine Matheson in Hong Kong. At Oxford he was academically brilliant but a privileged bully. He and his fellow members of the Bullingdon club would drink to excess and destroy pubs and restaurants with impunity because.  as the English would say. they were our Betters.

The 2013 Bilderberg Society meeting has been met with tremendous scrutiny because the Internet based real media has forced the corporate media to actually cover it. The most obvious point to the average taxpayer is that heads of state and finance ministers are meeting with the CEOs of Google and Amazon who pay no taxes. Those who cherish their privacy would object to the heads of state meeting with the former CIA Director and the CEOs of Internet firms who have worked with the government to clandestinely record all of our phone calls and emails. And those of us who do not like war are suspicious of a secret meeting of world power brokers which has summoned the architects of the disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So why was David Cameron asked to attend and why did he agree to go?  It is speculation on my part but I think Bilderberg might have outlived its usefulness. They have other meetings and networks so they could hide it in plain view just like Davos and the G8.

