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IPFS News Link • Environment

The Ideals of this Man with the White Mustache

• Tyger Gilbert
Having reached the final quarter in the game of Life and still being on the field, I have changed my objectives now to try to have some lasting and positive influence on the world around me. It has taken decades, but I have come to realize that beliefs and emotions are more relevant than facts and information in determining people's behavior, and neither politics nor religion offers any definitive solutions to the enormous problems looming in the real world. Despite their countless variations, the best intentions claimed by leaders in those fields, and many centuries of trying, they have failed to prevent or end the continuous and senseless killing, starvation, pain and suffering experienced by so many everywhere.
Big corporations, and the bankers and wealthy elite who own them, including ordinary small business investors, do not have the best interests of Mankind as their guiding principles, but instead are intent only upon maximizing their profits at the expense of the average consumer. But, that's the purpose of business, after all. Even the marvelous technology produced by it has only made people a little more comfortable and extended their life-spans by a few years. The cause of the troubles experienced by billions on Earth lies deep within the esscence of the human creature itself.

What I call "The Insanity of Humanity" causes the masses to act irrationally in many ways: supporting government wars that kill hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, eating foods that destroy their bodies and ruin their lives, and lying and cheating on one another for minor personal gains, are just examples of this craziness. . . .