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IPFS News Link • Activism

Libertarians Organizing Virtual National Torch Parade for Bradley Manning

• Independent Political Review

Outright Libertarians, the GLBTQ caucus of the Libertarian Party, along with libertarian activists in San Francisco and other cities, is organizing a virtual torch parade to support private first class Bradley Manning, the U.S. government soldier being prosecuted for passing hundreds of thousands of secret documents, including video evidence of war crimes being committed by members of the U.S. government’s military, to the transparency website WikiLeaks run by Julian Assange, who remains a refugee in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

“(The) torch will be carried, Olympian style, across the country, through freedom rallies in major cities along the way, just in time to be carried across the bridge into DC with Adam Kokesh on July 4th,” stated Outright secretary Mike Shipley in a description of the quickly-evolving plan published several days ago on Outright’s website. (Kokesh, an Iraq war veteran, freedom activist and host of the TV show “Adam vs. The Man” who has run for Congress, is organizing an “Open Carry March On Washington” for Independence Day.)

Outright board member Dan Choi, a first lieutenant in the National Guard who also fought in Iraq and was discharged under “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” after he came out as gay in 2009, stated in a press release from the group that justice requires having the truth, and that Bradley Manning served this cause. “What he did as a gay American, as a gay soldier, he stood for integrity, I am proud of him.”


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