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Adam Kokesh Status Update Fri May 24 2013

• FreeAdam.Net
Adam Kokesh Status Update Fri May 24 2013

Hi, here are the news updates for this morning as of 8AM EDT (Eastern).

Poe Out, Adam Still In

Yesterday Adam and N.A. Poe were the subject of a government detention hearing. Poe was released with strict release conditions.

Adam was not released. The government demands that he give up his home address and that it be public information. Adam is not willing to accept that.

The government has another opportunity to release Adam on Tuesday, May 28th in the same federal courthouse at 601 Market St. Phila.

Independence Day Press Conference Today Fri May 24 1PM EDT

Adam has asked us all via a note written in a federal cage, to ensure that every media outlet is given an opportunity to assist a press conference about Independence Day that will be held today Fri May 24 2013 at 1PM EDT at 700 Arch St Phila. N.A. Poe will read a statement from Adam about Independence Day. We will issue a press release about this shortly. This is very urgent and Adam requests your assistance in getting the word out!

Write to Adam

Adam asks that you write to him at this address:

Adam Kokesh 69371-066
P.O. BOX 562

Please write him but at this time we are requesting that you NOT flood him as he also needs to receive important legal mail. Also and very important: DO NOT send him anything but words written on standard paper. The Bureau of Prisons strictly limits what prisoners can receive in the mail and they will read that mail!

You can, however, send brand-new books direct from, for example, Amazon, directly to Adam. More information is available at the Bureau of Prisons website.

Support Adam’s Business Team

Please do continue to support Adam’s “Adam vs The Man” business team with your USD/FRN and bitcoin donations, as they need funds to eat, transport themselves and other sundry costs since they have no access to Adam’s funds while he is in prison. Click here to make a donation to keep’s Adam’s business team and “Adam vs The Man” going.

NO Commissary Funds for Now

DO NOT, we request, DO NOT, directly send Adam any commissary funds at this time. The government is punishing Adam for his understandable refusal to give a DNA sample by cutting off all access to commissary funds for 90 days.

Please help promote today’s press conference. If you have email addresses of journalists, send them to me, George Donnelly, at so that I can get the press release about today’s press conference to them ASAP.