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PRESS RELEASE - Rally for Kokesh and Poe - Starts @ 10:00 a.m. Thurs May 23rd

• Shield Mutual



Media Contacts

For N.A. Poe: VanessaMaria (215) 839­8814

For Adam Kokesh:Lucas Jewell (904) 200­7016

(See Facebook Page for more details)

Philadelphia Activists Arrested, Framed and Denied Bail for Speaking Out in Favor of Marijuana Legalization



(Philadelphia, PA, May22, 2013) — Comedy­activist troupe "ThePanic Hour” and activist advocate Shield Mutual are supporting a rally ThursdayMay 23, 2013 at the James A. Byrnefederal courthouse at 601 Market St. in Philadelphia that will demand the immediateand unconditional releaseof activists Adam Kokesh and N.A. Poe from federal prison.



More than two hundredfriends and alliesof Kokesh and Poe are expectedat the rally, which runs concurrent with Kokesh and Poe's 1:30PMdetention hearing.



At 2:30PM,representatives of Kokesh and Poe will hold a press conference on the steps of the Byrne courthouse to address these events.



Kokesh and Poe were arrested on Saturday, May 18, 2013 while speakingto a permitted marijuana legalization rally at Independence Mall National HistoricPark in centercity Philadelphia, in a space specifically designated for free speech.They are being framed on felonycharges of assaulting a federal officer, despite overwhelming video footage to the contrary.



“They just came afterAdam [Kokesh] and N.A. Poe, the organizer of Smokedown ­ the only two there out of hundreds presentwho were taken into custody,” said Michael Salvi,an observer of the rally.



At a preliminary hearingin front of US Magistrate Judge Thomas J. Rueterin the Byrne courthouse on

Monday, May 20, 2013, Kokesh and Poe were deniedbail.



“We are not deterred. We will continueto fight to get our friends removed from federalcustody and continue to organize to legalize cannabisin Pennsylvania,” said Vanessa Maria,producer of “The Panic Hour.”



About N.A. Poe


N.A. Poe is a comedian, writer,and organizer who isactive in the cannabis legalization movement, the fight againstdrones, and abolishing the Federal Reserve.Poe uses comedyto express his ideas as the host and executive producer of “ThePanic Hour.”



About Adam Kokesh



Adam Kokesh is a former US Marine corporal and veteranof the Iraq War who is active for peace, marijuana legalization and the right to keep and bear arms. Kokeshis the host of internet talk radio show “Adam vs The Man.”



About "The Panic Hour"



“The Panic Hour” is a comedyand activism troupe based in Philadelphia. “The Panic Hour”produces street videos and an onlinetalk show hosted by N.A. Poe. They also organizethe monthly cannabis legalization rally, Smoke Down Prohibition.



About "Adam vs The Man"



“Adam vs the Man” is an internettalk radio show by Adam Kokesh about challenging authority, sticking it to the man, and givingthe millennial generation a voice. It’s also about living like a free, dignified human being and loving it.



About ShieldMutual



Shield Mutual is the agora’s first defense agency.We defend activistsfrom government attackusing leadership and publicrelations.



Further Information



Free Adam Kokesh Campaign:

Rally FacebookEvent: