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Bitcoin Socialist Propaganda in New Zealand

• Morpheus Titania
Anti-Bitcoin Socialist Panel Discussion Propaganda in New Zealand

This “panel” of apologists for socialism and big Government, “discuss” all the problems with BitCoin.  What is a “social contract” exactly anyway.  Is that the one where you are sold into bondage, without your consent? And  you are required to continue to pay into a system that provides no value to you, just because this is  what you have done all your life, when you realize the whole thing is a fraud?

The first shill talks about how we are “bound” to the commitment to certain “obligations” and rules to how our “currency” actually “works”.  What if I don’t agree with being bound to obligations to supposed currency that works only for the RULING CLASS?  I am not allowed to boycott it.  Well under  the old system you get the manipulated currency that is controlled by banks and government.  If you don’t like it then there is no other choice.  With anything else if I dont want to buy a certain product or service, don’t buy it.  How can one boycott the currency? Well before BitCoin, YOU CAN’T.  This is a gigantic problem when you are a government this is a big Problem, they can not allow people to boycott them!

Shill #1 is bothered and you can see he is shuddering over the fact that it is “Free” of politics, “Free” from the “obligation” to society actually he means the Banks and Government.  He also describes FaceBook as networking system and BitCoin as an ANTI-networking system, probably because there is no central authority to get paid, every single time you make a transaction.

BitCoin is also “Highly Individualistic” It is strikingly interesting how opposed he is to the idea that individuals have rights.  All this factors make it “sinister”!  After touching on the possibility that people can conduct private transactions to buy drugs (non_government approved ones) or money laundering (private transactions) he goes back to how this contributes to the a “Highly Individualistic Society”.  A highly individualistic society is a gateway to Peace, Love, Creativity and and Ethical Society.

The double talk continues as he states “People can operate anonymously!”, “Nothing Traceable!”, “Avoid Paying Taxes!” and  “Avoid Foreign Exchange Rates!”.   He babbles on about being “bound” as a society.  Have you ever been “bound hand to foot and gagged? I have and it’s not a pleasant experience.   Do you like being Arrested?  You are bound feels great doesn’t it?  Then he goes back to sneering at a individualized Society is such a horrible thing. All of his supposed “reasons” are the exact “reasons” I support BitCoin!