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IPFS News Link • Israel

Israeli Bombs Over Syria, Part Two

• Daniel McAdams via

For the second day in a row, the Israeli government is reported to have bombed Syria — this time near Damascus — according to reporting by theWashington Post.

As the Washington Post — itself deeply in the ideological pockets of the left-neocons — concludes, this is Israel’s response to American skepticism over its lurid tales, without evidence, of chemical weapons use by the Syrian government:

“The attack Friday coincided with mounting pressure on the Obama administration to formulate a response to the growing risk of weapons proliferation in the Syrian war, notably the possibility that chemical weapons are being used in the conflict and could fall into the hands of extremists.”

Translation: “We told you a red-line violating story and you did not believe us. Time for Plan B. We’re going in.”

The Washington Post piece also confirms that the Israeli military clearly backs up the Islamist insurgency fighting the Syrian government, made up primarily of al-Qaeda in Syria (AIS):

“There were reports Friday that an overnight rebel mortar attack had caused a huge blaze at the Damascus airport, with a video posted online showing at least two locations on fire. But the Lebanese security official said the blasts, which woke him up, were bigger than those caused by mortar shells and that his Syrian counterparts had confirmed to him that the source was an Israeli strike.”

It’s not rocket science — the Israeli military and the insurgents share the same targets. Does the Washington Post realize the implications of its reporting?

The passive-aggressive US State Department, which is curiously — or not — silent every time its beloved insurgents commit an atrocity of a Boston-on-steroids scale against Christians and others who do not support al-Qaeda in Syria, has nevertheless suddenly found its voice to condemn Syrian government for a “massacre” in Baida, where seven bodies have been found killed in possible retaliation for the killing of seven members of the Syrian Army.