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Jeffrey Earnhardt: Superman for the Constitution - He's willing to step up - Will you support hi

• Oathkeepers

Jeffrey Earnhardt:  Like Superman for the Constitution.   He's willing to step up.  Will you support him?  




NOW HEAR THIS: We are in the final stretch of our fundraiser to put an Oath Keepers car on the NASCAR track, driven by Jeffrey Earnhardt, for the June 1, race in Dover, Delaware.


Tonight at midnight, May 1, is the deadline.Right now, as I write this, we are at $26,739.00 with ten hours left, and counting down.We only need $3,261.00 more to reach our goal of $30,000.00 to put this car on the track.


If every Oath Keeper would just give one dollar we'd reach our goal of racing an Oath Keepers car in NASCAR. We have added a $5.00 button for donations and we are asking that EVERY MEMBER and supporter stop whatever you are doing RIGHT NOW and donate $5.00. Put it in perspective, five dollars is less than a Cappuccino at Starbucks or a Whopper Combo at Burger King, and about what it costs for a six-pack of beer.It's not that much and we need you!


Donate here: 


Your donation will speak loudly to all the foes of our Republic, both foreign and domestic, so please be as generous as you can to help preserve the liberty we cherish.


Since the DHS aligned propagandists over at the SPLC have finally taken notice of this project, and are clearly not happy, consider your donation a way to stick it to the SPLC.An Oath Keepers car zooming around the track, spreading our message to millions of NASCAR fans, including active duty and veterans, is the last thing SPLC wants to see.So, let's make it happen and give em hell.


Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers


PS - remember, this car will be a "speeding billboard" (as SPLC called it!) that will reach, teach, and inspire much the same as our campaign to put billboards outside of major military bases.  Both are a form of advertisement to our target audience of current serving and veterans, to spread our message about their oath-bound duty to defend the Constitution.   Millions of veterans and current serving watch NASCAR.   This is our chance to reach them, and is the last thing our enemies want us to do.   Whenever I get up in the morning, I think to myself: "what would Mark Potok of the SPLC not want me to do today?"  Then I go do it.   Running a NASCAR race-car driven by Jeffrey Earnhardt has to be near the top of Potok's list of things he doesn't want us to do.  So let's getterdun!






Mark Potok's worst nightmare, on wheels.




Stewart Rhodes



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