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IPFS News Link • Housing

Fund A House That Shapeshifts With The Seasons

• Colin Lecher via

Way back in 1903, mathematician Henry Ernest Dudeney worked out how a perfect square could be cut into sections and folded into an equilateral triangle. It's a neat trick, but what can we do with it? If you're design team D*Haus Company Limited, you try to live inside it, apparently.

Just put up on Kickstarter, D*Dynamic is a proposed house that changes shape based on that mathematical model. Even if the execution is complicated, the idea actually isn't: it's a house that can rotate and open up--from a square to a triangle--depending on the season. On a beautiful summer day, it can extend windowed walls out to soak up the sunshine. In winter, it can curl up into a cube to stay heated.

D*Haus announced the project back in 2011, and still aren't completely set on how to make the project a reality. The team's funding goal of £30,000 (about $45,000) will go toward making another project, the D*Table, which folds in the same way as the house but goes inside the house instead. If they can reach a higher funding goal, they can commission a detailed design for the house, Daniel Woolfson, director at D*Haus, says. (The Kickstarter lists that goal at £250,000, or about $380,000, but Woolfson says they might be able to do it with half that, maybe between £100,000 and £150,000.)