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IPFS News Link • United Nations

The dark underbelly of sustainable development: Agenda 21

 After all, a majority of people want a healthy future, free of pollutants and global warming where the earth is protected for ourselves and subsequent generations. There is a catch, however. The underpinnings of sustainable development are rooted in Agenda 21, a body of regulations inspired by the United Nations (UN) "Earth Summit" conference in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. At first glance, the agenda looks beneficial and harmless -- except for the fact that it sets forth a policy which strips individuals of freedom and controls private land unconstitutionally.

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Comment by Leslie Fish
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*Sigh*  It seems there's no reform, no attempt at progress, that covert tyrants won't use to expand their power -- and a lot of them are members of the UN.  The UN has totally betrayed its original purpose, and has become a sandbox full of squabbling spoiled children trying to steal each others' toys.  The US should withdraw its membership from the UN -- and withdraw its lease on the building, obliging those nasty little petty politicians to move elsewhere.  I'd recommend Afghanistan, or Somalia, or Ecuador. 
