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IPFS News Link • Arizona Laws and Arizona Founding Documents

Arizona Senator Bob Worsley's Central Plan

Summary: *sarcasm added*
1.  "It can be seen as exciting to mentor and guide a young state" -These individualist need to be reigned in -- it seems
2. "AZ became inhabitable (otherwise just a desert) with Gov $$$" - had nothing to do with the Pioneers, it turns out
3. "Government’s Role--Leadership" - Not public service, as we thought
4. "Legislatures make the “highway” upon which capitalism moves!" -capitalism does not "move" without "Legislatures" Apparently? Not sure where they got their money to build the "highway"?
5. "Need “one version of the truth” so all oars (sic) are pulling in the same direction" - I prefer my version of the truth, and to be on my own boat (New Orleans' super dome comes to mind)
6. "Who drives AZ 2112 Plan?  Governor, Legislature, business community, AZ’s federal DC delegation, philanthropy or combination of above?" - Am I allowed to 'drive' my own plan for my own family?
7. "Population Growth--6 to 25MM", "Planned growth corridors vs. uncontrolled sprawl" ?!?!!?? Not sure I want to live in a "corridor" with 25M others
8. "Arts, cultural, recreational, and other quality of life concerns" - I'm glad at least this will be planned/provided on my behalf
9. "Replacement Vision—We have 9GW NE AZ coal, 4GW Palo Verde nuclear, then what?" - thank goodness that we don't have to depend on government for our energy needs we would all be in big trouble. Clean renewable energy will and is being provided by the free market despite government meddling and waste.
10. "Create Self Sufficiency Centers" - did I read this right? The government is going to create "Centers" to help us be "Self Sufficient"?
11. "AZCare Portal… state exchange vs. federal exchange" - These are our two options, apparently. No free market exchange?
12. "Restore AZ as wellness capital of world" - What a vision! "Lower weight of all Arizonans by 25%" - They're going to force me on a tread mill? I don't think Mayor Bloomberg would go this far. "Doctors and Hospitals on Capitation Plans to align incentives" - Just plane scary
13. High Occupancy Lanes (tolls?) - Of course, privatize lanes already paid for by public money. We knew this was coming.
14. "Arts and cultural celebration centers planned for recreation and renewal of spirit" - I feel much better already
15. "Time to innovate to ultimate vision.  Less need for brick and mortar, teachers, paper, etc.  Education needs to evolve into new digital age." - Students educate themselves on internet (centrally planed curriculum I presume) while 'Mentors' make double that of teachers.
