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Introducing: The American Hero Fund! Compensating Whistleblowers Who Have Had Their Lives Destroyed

• Daily Paul
I'm SICK of even hoping that any politician is going to help us. I think it's time we raised the anti and became a little more pro-active about bringing corrupt public officials to justice.

We blow a ton of money on political candidates. How much liberty are we getting back for our dollar? How much liberty would we get back for dollars that were pledged to reward public officials for turning in oath-breakers?

No reward would be paid without a sworn statement signed in front of witnesses and under penalty of perjury along with an agreement to testify against the accused. If public officials didn't care about losing their job (because they just got a windfall of cash) they might be a lot more prone to turn in these criminals that are STEALING our liberty by violating our rights under color of law.

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