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IPFS News Link • Off Grid Living - Survival Prepping

Caring For Moms and Babies in Disastrous Times, by EMT Tina

 Obviously in dark times one might not be able to deliver at a clean, safe hospital, or run to Walgreens in the middle of the night to get formula and diapers, or to Target to get extra pajamas for baby. As a mom (and EMT 3 years, 8 years as a First Responder before that) I feel a certain responsibility to help others and to encourage preparedness in others. Here are some helpful shopping tips, knowledge, and other items that are always good to have on hand for moms and babies in times of emergency.

I live in a state where we have disasters and evacuations every year, so the concept of getting out of Dodge quick is something that we are familiar with. As an EMT and as a Venturing Scout I have responded to and given aid to those struck by disaster many times, and in between I teach others how to be better prepared.
