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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

Everything Reinvented: Mobile Gaming, Landlines and the Kitchen Stove

  The CES train rolls on: robots dancing to pop tunes, rows of people reclining in full-body massage chairs, businessmen pedaling high-end bicycles mounted on display stands, and conference-goers dressed in everything from animal print outfits to Iron Man costumes.
It's all here, like a vast, futuristic circus.

Wednesday was the second day the conference was open to the public (the first two days were reserved for press and back-room meetings) but the bustle on the expo floor seemed bigger and louder than Tuesday's kick-off. Attendees rubbed elbows trying to get a peek at the newest health trackers, tablets and speakers — many of which, not surprisingly, won't be available for months.

Here's some of the more interesting gadgetry CES had to offer.

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