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Make Me Asian? Racial Stereotype Apps Draw Online Protest

•, Francie Diep
 "Make Me Asian" and a similar app, "Make Me Indian," have prompted an online petition calling for their removal from the Google App store. The apps overlay photos of the user's face with hair, headgear and other accessories that hark back to old stereotypes.

"I created the petition as a means of saying, 'No, this kind of stereotype is not acceptable to me, and to many others, and we will not simply shake our heads but accept it as our fate,'" Peter Chin, a Washington, D.C.-based pastor who started the petition, told KoreAm Journal. The petition, hosted on, had about 1,800 signatures as of this writing.

The apps were created by the user KimberyDeiss. A look into KimberyDeiss' oeuvre shows several other photo-altering apps, including "Make Me Old," "Make Me Frankenstein" and a "Photo Maker" app that distorts photos of faces the way funhouse mirrors do. Besides the apps Chin is petitioning against, KimberyDeiss has created two other apps that draw on stereotypes: "Make Me Russian" and "Make Me Irish."
