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eBay Yanks Beck’s ‘Obama in Pee Pee’ Art Project Meant to Raise Money for Charity

• The Blaze
(The video above features Beck’s radio segment from Wednesday morning, discussing the eBay incident.)

The popular online auction site eBay has yanked a piece of artwork done by Glenn Beck citing its belief that the project featured an Obama figurine floating in actual urine (it was not, however). Bids can now be emailed in the subject line to the following email address set up by Beck:


(Related: Liberals Goes Berserk Over Beck’s ‘Obama in Pee Pee,’ Hurl Expletives at Beck)

On Tuesday evening, Glenn Beck featured an Obama bobble head doll in a jar of yellow liquid, catalyzed by Michael D’Anouto’s painting titled, “Truth,” which features a crucified Obama and also parodies the controversial “artwork” dubbed “Piss Christ” that defaced a crucifix in a glass of urine.

Beck’s piece was meant to underscore the importance of adhering to the First Amendment and highlight the hypocrisy of those who adhere to it only when it suits them. Often, members of the Left will rail against the disparaging of figures they hold dear, but do not hold themselves to the same standard when disparaging figures others hold dear.
