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IPFS News Link • Drug War

NJWeedman found not guilty in pot distribution case

He almost didn’t get to hear the verdict and his supporters’ applause for the jurors as they left the courtroom. During his closing, Forchion was nearly held in contempt of court for trying to advance his jury nullification argument. Delehey quickly stopped him, reminding the defendant of his earlier ruling that barred the argument. Forchion began verbally sparring with the judge, who ordered the jury out of the room and told him he would be held in contempt if he continued to ignore the court’s orders. “If you want to make a martyr of yourself, the court will deal with you,” Delehey said. “You’ve done everything you can to disrupt this trial.” Jury nullification would have allowed the jurors to disregard the law they were ordered to follow in considering the case and acquit a defendant, no matter what the evidence, in effect nullifying or invalidating the law. Forchion toed the line and abandoned his blatant jury nullification pitch when court resumed.