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IPFS News Link • Humor

Time for Ron Paul Fans to Stop Supporting the Constitution

• by Jeremy R. Hammond (h/t Lew Rockwell blog)

There is no more time for games, no room for uncompromising principle. Ron Paul fans, you need to choose, because not voting for Romney is a vote for Obama. It’s that simple. And you could make the difference to help sustain the status quo but under a Republican president, which is the lesser of the two evils.

Maybe Romney isn’t the uncompromising Ron Paul hero you’d design if you could build your ideal candidate from scratch, but he’s a bit better than the guy on whose watch the NDAA was signed into law, eliminating habeas corpus. (Although Romney did say he would have signed the NDAA, too, but he wasn’t president, so he didn’t actually do it.) . . . . [continue reading at our link]
 In case you missed the original post this mocks.  And what Kurt really thinks about us (thxs Lew).