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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

OMG! Bill O'Reilly finally asks the right question. Why do they hate us?

•, by Top Narco
Verbatum... "I think they hate us cause we're there". And how does Bill O'Reilly respond? "I think there's something to that." WHAT THE !?!?!?!?!?!? This is how politicians radio and television personalities change their views on things and get away with it. don't get me wrong, I'm glad Billy seems to finally be coming around to our thinking, but I want a public apology on his show for how he treated Ron Paul for all those years!!! AARRRGGGG FOX NEWS!!!! You frustrate me to no end!
Unfortunately at the moment we have to go visit Bill's website, but if someone could get the youtube clip, would be better. It's the ironically titled "What the Heck just Happened" segment....
 Watch Greg Gutfield's head nod as Bernard Gufucnk (or whatever his name is) gives the truth to Bill O'Reilly, Are they hijacking some of our ideas or are they finally coming around? Although they al still somehow think we should be over there, AT LEAST they are admitting, even if only partially, that just maybe our presence over there is the cause of all this hatred and not just because we're rich and we're free. That's a step in the right direction. Albeit a small one...

I wish he would have responded in that way to Ron Paul back in 2008. I'm sure the world would have changed a little more for the better if Bill O'Reilly, with his viewership, had responded to Ron in a respectful way. It makes me sad.
