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IPFS News Link • Water Issues-Water Fluoridation

Dear concerned citizen of Fluoride Free Arizona, HEARING IS SEPTEMBER 11 AT 10:00

Dear concerned citizen of Fluoride Free Arizona,

Ron Paul on Flouridation:

The broad based coalition of people opposed to fluoridation has just gotten bigger! In an interview with FAN's (Fluoride Action Network) campaign director Stuart Cooper, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, said that if elected he would oppose any funding to enable the CDC to continue to promote fluoridation. He said that fluoridation was a local issue and the federal bureaucracy should not be spending tax dollars promoting the practice. Here is Stuart's report of the conversation:

Last week, at a campaign event in Laconia, New Hampshire I spoke for several minutes about fluoridation with Dr. Paul, telling him about the EPA Union's call for a moratorium, the 2006 NRC report, the numerous I.Q. studies, the dental fluorosis epidemic, and the CDC's promotion of fluoridation, and asked him, "if elected President, would you allow the CDC, DHHS, or any federal agency to use tax dollars to promote water fluoridation?"

Dr. Paul responded:

"The federal government should have zero...nothing to do with the promotion of fluoridation unless its on a military base...and hopefully there they would do the right thing. So no, federal fluoride promotion shouldn't exist, they shouldn't be telling you or anyone else what should happen because even though it was well intended at the time--I remember that I thought it was a bad principle because in a way it was massive treatment--and at the time everybody accepted the idea that fluoride was great and that you would never get a cavity and there was no downside, now there is a big question, that's why you don't want government doing these kinds of things. You or I should decide, someone should give us bottled water with fluoride, or we should have the ability to buy water with fluoride, but we should not have the federal government promoting fluoridation...sometimes their right, most of the time their wrong. They shouldn't have the authority to do this. Especially with the information out there now about fluoride, I would do my best to stop federal involvement with state and local fluoride decisions."

We are coming into the home stetch with our campaign.  The Sub committee hearing is September 11, at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall first floor.  Thelda Williams is claiming that she has NOT recieved any public input against fluoridation.

I am making an urgent-and immediate-plea for everyone to take action and help our efforts. Your health and the health of your loved ones ALL have a stake in this:

the Arizona Dental Association, has put out a massive campaign to counteract our efforts, they have money and organization and 1000's of people on their email list. We don't.....  But we do have YOU!

There are 4 councilmembers on this sub committe:

1) Councilwoman Thelda William: District 1

Phone: 602-262-7444
Fax: 602-534-4793

2) Councilman Jim Waring: District 2

Phone: 602-262-7445
Fax: 602-495-0527


3) Councilman Michael Johnson: District 8

Phone: 602-262-7493
Fax: 602-495-0587


4) Councilman Daniel Valenzuela: District 5   (with Valenzuela, do not talk about vaccines!  He is VERY pro vaccines, stick to fluoride)

Phone: 602-262-7446
Fax: 602-495-0628


5) Mayor Greg Stanton,

Phone: 602-262-7111
Fax: 602-495-5583


Plus, see who your own councilmember is HERE: (add your own councilmember to the list above)

I have grouped the emails here so it is easier to copy and paste to your email program:,,,,

It is an absolute MUST that you write a letter and email it or fax it to these councilmembers. This is IMPARATIVE.

EVERY letter makes a huge impact on the council members! 

Express your name and association with Phoenix, do you work here, live here etc, .. If neither, just sign with your full name and phone number

Express your specific concerns/ and or your personal story. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. illnesses, etc..? Do not be a fanatic.  Conspiracy and nazi comments actually hurt our efforts Infant issues and dosage issues seem to be what tugs at the heart string of officials Express that the money can be best served by targeting those in specific needs as oppossed to everyone letters and emails need to come from different emails. It is not effective to have one letter with dozens of signatures.

******I know we are all busy dealing with our lives with families and jobs and everything else that goes with being human. I totally understand this. But we have this ONE chance to make a difference. Each single letter has a HUGE impact with the City of Phoenix.

If your friends and family do not have the energy to write a letter, write it FOR THEM, FAX IT FOR THEM! and have them sign!! Do whatever it takes to get these letters to council.  YOUR participation has the possible outcome of helping literally millions of Phoenix residents.  YOU MATTER. And you will be a part of history!  If every one of us took responsibiltiy for our own circle of friends and family, we would have 1000's of letters.  Will you do this?






****If you do not want your name on this list, please reply to me and I will take your name off the list



CALL ME directly if you want clarification, coaching, assistance, WHATEVER YOU NEED; I am here for you. I will do whatever it takes to support you. If you need talking points or additional information, I can help.

A sincere thank you to everyone involved in these efforts! 

Jody Clute


Dr. William Hirzy & EPA Union on Fluoridation:

Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water