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IPFS News Link • Activism

Greenpeace activists raid Russian oil tanker

• The

Greenpeace activists on Friday raided an Arctic oil rig owned by Russian group Gazprom that next year will controversially pioneercommercial drilling in one of the world’s last pristine reserves.

Russia’s largest energy group doused the six-member team from helicopters with icy streams of water as they hung down on thick blue ropes from the side of the huge Prirazlomnaya platform.

Angry workers meanwhile pelted them with chunks of metal.

“Not just hosed water, but now metal being thrown by #Gazprom crew at our activists; we’re coming down,” Greenpeace International’s Executive Director Kumi Naidoo tweeted as the 15-hour sea saga wound down.

“The bravery of all of these climbers interrupted a major Arctic oil operation, and by doing so brought the world’s attention to this era defining issue,” the group added in a statement issued after the team climbed off.