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IPFS News Link • Activism

On Courage and Cowardice - by L. Neil Smith

• by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise)

I was at a meeting the other day, of a new group that was looking for a name. The name that was proposed, under which the individuals at the meeting had gathered in the first place, was a fine, tradition-evoking one, stemming from the early American Revolution. It stated a purpose, it sent a message, and I was very proud to be associated with it.

Almost immediately, however, a few participants began to object to the name and to the logo that went with it. It was "too edgy", someone said. It looked too "aggressive" (believe me, the posture involved is one of pure self-defense). It might offend some people. It might make them reluctant to join the organization or (gasp!) to give us money. It might keep other groups from affiliating with us. Worst (and most hysterically funny of all), it might bring us to the attention of the government.


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