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Bahraini police fire tear gas on thousands of protesters (PHOTOS, VIDEO)


Violent clashes erupted in Bahrain as thousands protested the government’s move to limit political marches. Police used tear gas and, reportedly, rubber bullets to disperse the crowd, which responded with firebombs.

Clashes erupted in the Bahraini capital Manama and several other places. Police were using tear gas against the crowds as the protests continued into the night.­

Demonstrations were aslo held in the villages of Diraz, Bilad al-Qadeem, and Musalla, where protesters called for the ouster of the royal al-Khalifa family. At least one protester was reportedly injured by riot police in Musalla.

The ruling elite want to ban anti-government marches to prevent the disruption to traffic and curb street violence, as at least 50 people have been killed in the country since February 2011.

The opposition described the move as a new attempt by the monarchy to silence it.

The kingdom has been engulfed by more than 17 months of clashes between the Sunni monarchy and kingdom's Shiite majority protesters, who claim systematic discrimination.

The insurrection was originally crushed during a period of martial law, but unrest has continued with repeated clashes between riot police and youths who say the monarchy marginalizes them.