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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

Nevada CAN still put Paul's name in nomination

•, by joeinmo
 Paul supporters everywhere, I'm not sure everyone understands plurality and how state delegations work at the convention.

Nevada CAN be one of the states that puts Paul's name in nomination. The binding rule from Nevada only says the delegates must vote for Romney on the first round, it says nothing about putting names in nomination. As a matter of fact, Romney will only use 5 states as well, it's a moot point, so every state is not needed once the 5 state threshold is met.

When a state delegation puts a candidate's name into nomination, the national GOP rules say they must have a plurality of delegates to do that. That simply means when the state delegation votes among themselves to put a candidates name in, they do not need a majority of that delegation to do so, only a plurality. No where does it say that state can only be a non bound state.

So if the Nevada delegation chooses to put Paul's name into nomination, the delegation secretary gives the nomination paperwork to the National Convention secretary.

The NV delegation can both vote for Romney (I would abstain) and put Paul's name in nomination.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

If Ron Paul and his handful of supporters are lucky enough to get a permission to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, GOP will see to it that they are not noisy and disruptive of the proceedings before the unwanted Ron Paul is officially declared a GOP reject. Better for a handful of supporters to do something else useful, like stay at home and plant potatoes and expect to harvest tomorrow rather than stay here and expect nothing fruitful except rejection, disappointment, frustrations and total loss of face.
