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IPFS News Link • Activism

Debt Protests and Occupy Wall Street – Perfect Together?

•, by Staff Report
 And now we see that debt-money – currency actuated by usury according to those who want to impose yet another limitation on people, money and markets – is becoming a big deal in the OWS movement.

What's especially ironic is that OWS is, in one way or another – as many in the alternative media have now reported – funded by George Soros and the even deeper pockets, no doubt, behind him. In other words, OWS is likely a kind of Money Power charade, just as we've suggested that certain paper-money solutions are.

Public banking (as purveyed by such eloquent spokespeople as Ellen Brown) along with Georgism, mutual credit, etc. are all monetary schemes that use the awesome force of government to shove people in a certain direction.

Because all these schemes rely on government power, we've never had any doubt that there was at least some power elite involvement. The topmost elite cannot exist without government. They retain and expand their power via mercantilism, by pulling the levers of government power secretly behind the scenes.

One of public banking's prime proponents, Ellen Brown, is close to the Occupy Wall Street movement. We've written about that here: "Elite Psyop? Public Banking and OWS Converge to Provide Mass 'Public' Solutions."

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