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IPFS News Link • Activism

Heated discontent 2012


Thousands have taken part in rallies across Israel to mark last year’s massive sit-in protests against social injustice. Marches were held in Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv, where a man set himself alight but was saved and taken to a hospital.

Two separate events were held in Tel Aviv. Thousands of people participated in one of the rallies, organized by social activist Dafni Leef. That rally culminated in a large demonstration outside government offices on Kaplan Street.

One of the protesters, a 52-year-old man, poured gasoline on his body and set himself on fire. People on the scene were quick enough to extinguish the fire before ambulances arrived and rushed him to Ichilov Hospital. The man was photographed eating a popsicle before he was picked up by paramedics, but medical personnel describe his condition as serious.

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