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Czechs Stage Massive Anti-Austerity Rally

•, Common Dreams staff
 As many as 100,000 Czechs have been protesting today in Prague against the government's austerity measures.
Union leader Jaroslav Zavadil said the cabinet was "humiliating the powerless with its anti-social reforms."

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BBC News: Czechs stage huge anti-government rally in Prague

Anti-government demonstrators in the Czech Republic have staged what they describe as the biggest rally since the fall of communism in 1989.

They say 120,000 people packed the capital Prague, protesting against austerity measures and corruption. Police put the numbers at 90,000.

Echoing 1989, people jangled their keys - a signal to the centre-right coalition cabinet to lock up and leave.

The government has recently been rocked by splits and defections.