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IPFS News Link • Israel

Egyptian presidential front-runner promises tougher line on Israel


gyptian presidential front-runner Amr Moussa pledged to adopt a tougher stance on Israel than his predecessor Hosni Mubarak if elected president next month.

In an 80-page political program released by his office on Wednesday, Moussa dedicates the final chapter to “national security and foreign policy.” Under the article titled “returning to historic, honorable principles in dealing with the Palestinian question as a priority of Egyptian national security,” Moussa writes that Egypt has experienced “years of laxity” in its dealings with Israel.

He adds that “all forms of political, economic and legal support must be given to Palestinians in their struggle for rights.” The Arab Initiative for comprehensive peace with Israel ratified in 2007 will serve as his primary guideline, writes Moussa, with the goal of “solving the conflict rather than managing it.”

Moussa concludes that he will tie development of Egyptian-Israeli relations to “Israel’s level of willingness to end the conflict, step by step and commitment by commitment.”

