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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

How the Elites Manipulate Big Stocks – and Why They're Failing

•, by Staff Report
 Dominant Social Theme: What's wrong with the stock market? It's just in the doldrums and will recover shortly. In fact, it already did ...

Free-Market Analysis: This kind of question is a kind of elite dominant social theme, no doubt about it. It frames the conversation and presupposes that the market itself is a greater good and that its growing failure is bound to be mitigated by additional success.

The elites are wedded to the stock market, which allows them to monetize various financial promotions. The bigger companies (stocks) receive the most attention. Facebook is a prime example of this. The company is likely in some sense an Intel operation, but it is being rolled out as investment opportunity of tremendous consequence. For our take, just Google "Facebook" and "Daily Bell."
Smaller equity opportunities and private equity opportunities are, ironically, perhaps more sincere ones, in that they are less subject to elite manipulation. For the most part, the powers-that-be don't bother so much with the small fry, but there's no doubt the elites value the stock market for their larger efforts.