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IPFS News Link • Racism

Idaho's only black lawmaker gets a KKK invite


If you received an invitation to join the Ku Klux Klan recently, you weren’t the only one. A lawmaker in Idaho found an application to join the ranks of America’s favorite hate group last week, which has Rep. Cherie Buckner-Webb wondering ‘Why me?’

Representative Buckner-Webb is especially interested in learning what made her such a sought after recruit since, if history is any indication, the KKK is usually opposed to accepting black women into their oh-so exclusive club.

“Check out communiqué from the KKK received this week in the mail,” Rep. Buckner-Webb writes on her Facebook account over the weekend when captioning a photo she uploaded of her invite. “Newsletter, Application…Really?”

Should the congresswoman actually want to take them up on their offer, the criteria included in the Klan’s official application would, sadly, exclude her from joining. Before forking over the $35 check for yearly dues, incoming recruits are asked to acknowledge a few factors, at least one of which doesn’t apply for the lawmaker.
