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IPFS News Link • Iran

Iran: ‘No preconditions’ to nuclear talks will be accepted


Iran has slammed world powers for imposing preconditions ahead of Saturday’s nuclear talks. The foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, stressed on Monday that “setting conditions before the meeting means drawing conclusions before negotiations.”

­"None of the parties will accept conditions set before the talks," Iran’s PressTV quoted Ali Akbar Salehi as saying, adding that Salehi branded the demands as “completely meaningless.

The US insists that Tehran should suspend uranium enrichment, which they consider just a few steps from weapons grade, according to leaked reports. Washington also wants Iran to close its underground nuclear facility at Fordo near the holy city of Qom.

Israel is also demanding that Tehran discloses the entire history of its nuclear activity and opens all its nuclear facilities to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
