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IPFS News Link • Activism

Occupy SF Evicted from Vacant Building, But Members Say Occupations Will Spread

•, By Rebecca Burns
 Police yesterday arrested nearly 80 Occupy San Francisco demonstrators who had inhabited a building belonging to the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco less than 24 hours before.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, police officers in riot gear stormed the building at about 1:15 p.m. on Monday after removing the plywood and stacks of chairs that had been used to block the doors. Though police forwarded photos of stockpiled bricks to the press and said in a statement that “there was concern that these items were going to be used as weapons against police officers," occupiers did not throw anything at the police. Instead, according to police accounts, some of the building’s occupants retreated into barricaded rooms, while others locked themselves on the second floor.