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Spain's Unbearable Pain

• theautomaticearth
  The Spanish politicians, of course, tried to downplay the rate of participation and claimed victory because the strike wasn't as bad as the last big one in 2010, but those claims merely reveal how their desperation is taking on a ridiculously childish quality at this point.

All of this was in response to newly proposed budget cuts of €27bn that are the harshest in Spain's history (along with a 7% rise in electicity/gas bills), but are STILL estimated to fall well short of what's needed to meet the deficit targets required by the Troika gang. In fact, as TAE readers (and Greeks) should know by now, this severe austerity virtually ensures that deficits and sovereign rates will spiral out of control, necessitating calls for bailouts with capital that simply doesn't exist. With a general unemployment rate of about 23% and youth unemployment at stunning levels of 50%, it is rather surprising that the pain in Spain isn't projecting itself into the streets with even greater force. One thing is for sure - Rajoy and his administration is extremely flustered, and the Eurocrats must be soiling their undergarments right now.

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