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IPFS News Link • Activism

Despairing Greek Leftist Makes Final Stand

 Protests continue in Athens, Greece today, the day after 77-year old Dimitris Christoulas committed suicide outside the parliament to protest the country's austerity measures. Dimitris' death has put renewed attention to the plight of the Greek working class in the face of crippling austerity cuts and has prompted more debate over the economic conditions in the country.
The retired pharmacist left a note which clearly blamed the austerity crisis in Greece for his poor quality of life. "I see no other solution than this dignified end to my life, so I don’t find myself fishing through garbage cans for my sustenance," the note said. His 91-year old neighbor Thymios said: "I used to tell him that taking to the streets is the only way to protest. But in one of our last meetings he said: 'I take to the streets and go to rallies but maybe I should go to parliament to blow my brains out'"