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IPFS News Link • Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN: A Tale of "Three Tragedies"

•, by Felicity Arbuthnot

March was another month of tragic, needless lives lost, the searing grief of mother’s and father’s for lost son’s and daughters.


Shockingly stark, however, has been the impression, that for the powers-that-be, for a swathe of public in the West, some deaths are indisputedly regarded as, more tragic, more noteworthy, than others.


On 6th March, six British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. Corporal Jake Hartley (20) and Privates Anthony Frampton (20) Christopher Kershaw (19) Daniel Wade (20) and Daniel Wilford (20) and Sergeant Nigel Coupe (33) died when their armored vehicle was blown up. The resulting fire reportedly burned all night.


