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IPFS News Link • Activism

UNAC: A Real Anti-War Movement in the Belly of the Beast

•, Glen Ford
 The United States finally has an anti-war movement that can’t be bamboozled by President Obama’s “humanitarian” mass murder. The United National Anti-War Coalition has broken decisively with those who would give a pass to Washington to wage illegal wars against Syria and Iran – as Obama did in Libya. “Our task as Americans is to dismantle from within the monstrous apparatus of imperial aggression. Period.” No exceptions.
With passage of a short and elegant plank in its Action Plan for 2012, the United National Anti-War Coalition is building a peace movement that is finally prepared to confront President Obama’s global military offensive, cloaked in “humanitarian” interventionist rhetoric. The language states: “End all threats of war and intervention against Iran and Syria! No to sanctions, blockades and embargoes!”