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Ohio Students Tell Obama: 'Stop Dirty Energy Disasters!'

 Students rallied at Ohio State University this afternoon to greet President Obama with a retort to his "All of the Above" energy policy. "What does Obama mean by 'All of the Above'?" the students asked. If "everything is on the table," they argue, that includes "toxic, climate cooking technologies" like hydrofracking and trumpeting of Canadian tar sands. The stop in Ohio follows a morning speech by the president in Cushing, Oklahoma where Obama announced his endorsement of the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline.
"We need to show President Obama that Ohioans won't stand for an energy policy that poisons our water and dooms us to further climate disaster," declared a message on the student group's facebook page. "We'll greet the President when he arrives Thursday with a boisterous rally demanding he put a stop to fracking and projects like Keystone XL."

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