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NYPD marks OWS anniversary with violent crackdown and arrests (VIDEO, PHOTOS)


A number of OWS protesters have reportedly been arrested and several injured at Zuccotti Park in Manhattan during celebrations of the movement’s six-month anniversary. Police broke up the peaceful rally that had gathered almost 600 people to OWS’ founding

There have been no confirmed reports on the number of arrests, but eye witnesses report more than a twenty. Police drafted in public buses to carry away the detained.

Demonstrators held their ground there locking arms in solidarity as dozens of police swept through the downtown Manhattan Park.

Several people were injured in the police assault, with three women being taken away in ambulances from the scene.

Many demonstrators accused the police of being unnecessarily aggressive.

Twitter users reported broken jaws and thumbs and one man who had his head smashed into a window by police.

According to eyewitnesses, a woman suffering from a seizure was handcuffed by police and deprived of medical attention for several minutes.

“It was a good 10 or 15 minutes before they got an ambulance. I thought, oh no, is this the moment when this woman is going to die right there?” demonstrator, Leslie Kauffman told news agency AFP.