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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Rick Santorum Benefactor Says If Help Is Needed He Will Be There

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BOISE, Idaho - With his candidate of choice riding high in the polls, Rick Santorum's wealthy benefactor Foster Friess laughed off the suggestion that he's buying the election for the former Pennsylvania senator, but Friess, the main donor to the pro-Santorum super PAC told ABC News he is absolutely committed to helping Santorum through Super Tuesday and all the way through the Republican National Convention in August.

However, the always colorful Friess acknowledged that because of increased fundraising by the campaign since Santorum's surprise trifecta win in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado last week his help isn't needed as much.

"The wonderful news is they don't really need me," Friess said on the phone from where he lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. "They raised $3 million in three days (for the campaign.) There was an $800,000 day for the super PAC, so my resources - they are in the back corner waiting if they are needed, but it doesn't look like they need."

He added there is another high-dollar donor to the super PAC who recently gave a million dollars to the effort.