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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Paul Campaign Points To Anomalies In Romney Maine “Victory”


The Ron Paul 2012 campaign has pointed to anomalies in Saturday’s announcement of the Maine caucuses results, as Mitt Romney was declared the winner with Paul in second by the slimmest of margins.

The official tally in Maine has 84% of the votes counted so far. Romney took close to 39% of that vote, with Paul scoring 36%, trailing by just 194 votes.

In an email to supporters on Saturday evening, Paul campaign manager John Tate hit out at the mainstream media for calling a Romney victory before all of the votes have been tallied, suggesting that the establishment is acting to prevent any potential surge or momentum gain for Paul.

“The national political establishment and their pals in the national media will do ‘anything’ to silence our message of liberty,” Tate stated.