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IPFS News Link • Events: Arizona

Setting up for live skype interview on Revolution Pac's coverage of FL Primary


Ernie will be setting up to do the live skype interview outside - with the Freedom's Phoenix RV and crowd in the background. The live skype will be from approx. 7:45 - 7:55 p.m. If you want to help set up, please let us know - go to MeetUp for more information.

The topic the Revolution Pac will be asking us about is primarily the economy - Ernie will be talking about the silver dime cards and promoting Wallet Voting - and not just auditing or ending the Fed, but IGNORING the Fed. The dime card dispensing machine will be put out as well so that viewers can see how some local activists have made it easy to get silver for FRN's and start using this 'legal tender' for trade.

Real-time election analysis will be provided during the event - other guests that will be interviewed throughout the evening are Peter Schiff, Thomas Woods, Jim Rodgers, and Robin Koerner (Blue Republican Movement), so we will in some awesome company!

If you would like to help Ernie set up for this, please RSVP - we will still be watching the 'returns' come in and have a potluck with the coolers for drinks. It should be a wonderful gathering (and on a Tuesday, no less)! Hope you can be there to be a part of history in that the MSM will be bypassed as they are worthless.

CLICK HERE for story on RevolutionPac's webpage

